© Birgit Immich

Katholische Kirche Enkirch

  • Traben-Trarbach

The Catholic Parish Church of St. Francis of Assisi in Enkirch In 1074, Count Bertold donated an estate in a valley near Enkirch to the Ravengiersburg monastery as part of a foundation. This courtyard later formed the priory of the monastery. Subsequently, a chapel was established by the inhabitants on this site, which was consecrated in 1135 by Archbishop Alberto the Holy Trinity, St. Mary and St. Michael the Archangel. As a place with a venerated image of Our Lady and in connection with a hermitage, this chapel became the destination of pilgrims from all over the area.

At the hermitage, church services, see the tourist information notice or local press The Catholic Parish Church of St. Francis of Assisi in Enkirch In 1074, Count Bertold donated an estate in a valley near Enkirch to the Ravengiersburg monastery as part of a foundation. This courtyard later formed the priory of the monastery. Subsequently, a chapel was established by the inhabitants on this site, which was consecrated in 1135 by Archbishop Alberto the Holy Trinity, St. Mary and St. Michael the Archangel. As a place with a venerated image of the Virgin Mary and in connection with a hermitage, this chapel became the destination of pilgrims from all over the area. The numerous pilgrimages made it possible to build a new building in the 15th century. First the construction of a spacious choir began, to which in 1475 a Lady Chapel was attached as a side choir. Then the sacristy was added to the other side of the choir and the construction of a large nave began. This "new Marienkirche" is mentioned between 1456 and 1503 in a cartular (copy book), today owned by the Koblenz State Archive.

In 1483 a foundation was established to improve the worship services in this Marienkirche.

With the Reformation, the importance of this church as a place of pilgrimage and grace ended. A hospital for the needy was built in the buildings opposite the church. This hospital has been run by a provost since 1555. The chapel and the provost house were badly damaged by Lorraine troops between 1635 and 1638.

On the map

Weihertorplatz 2

56841 Traben-Trarbach


Phone: (0049) 6487

Fax: (0049) 6447


Website: www.pfarrei-mittlere-mosel.de/ueber-uns/gemeinden/enkirch

General information

The church is only open to the services that are taking place.

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